Upon A Burning Body: Die nächste Single aus dem neuen Album „Fury“ ist gelandet
Inklusive Video.
Julia Lotz
AM 10/04/2022
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Upon A Burning Body bringen in knapp einem Monat ihr neues Album „Fury“ an den Start. Nach der ersten Single „Snake Eyes“, die bereits letztes Jahr erschien, gibt es nun endlich den nächsten Appetizer für uns.
Die Truppe lässt das Stück „New Responsibility“ von der Leine und liefert dazu ein passendes Musik-Video mit. Wir haben euch den neuen Track samt Clip nachfolgend zur Verfügung gestellt.
Seht das Video zum neuen Song von Upon A Burning Body
Zur aktuellen Single sowie zum Album im Allgemeinen hatte Gitarrist Ruben Alvarez folgende Worte parat:
„After listening to the complete album we knew we had created something that represents what the band stands for on and off stage. ‘Fury‘ is a whole new monster. We’ve always been a band that experiments and ‘Fury‘ is definitely the stamp we needed on our own signature sound. We brought in elements from our first three albums and mixed them with our last two. If you like the heavy riffs from ‘Red, White and Green‘ or the groove of ‘Southern Hostility‘, then you are going to be stoked on this!
The biggest change on this album is Danny and my younger brother, Thomas Alvarez. Now having three biological brothers writing and performing together, what more can you ask for? Thomas has already brought so much to the table; helping us as a song-writer since ‘Southern Hostility‘ and now adding another vocal element. He has brought a ton of fresh ideas and writing has never been easier.
We knew we had to set the tone for the rest of the album by coming out with a banger. ‘A New Responsibility‘ opens the floodgates to the rest of the album and prepares you for an unrelenting listening experience. ‘Code Of Honor‘ is the anthem and was written as a tribute to anyone who has and is currently serving in the military.
Upon A Burning Body has been through a lot of changes throughout the years and we have come full circle back to our roots. We are ready to keep pushing forward on our albums and live performances. ‘Fury‘ is definitely a huge step for us to show the world that we are here to stay and American Heavy Metal is alive and stronger than ever!“
Alle Infos zum neuen Album „Fury“
„Fury“ erscheint am 06. Mai 2022 via Seek & Strike mit folgenden Stücken:
1. A New Responsibility
2. Snake Eyes
3. Shapeshifter
4. Meltdown
5. Thunderheart
6. Kill the Ego
7. Clarity
8. Sweet Serenity
9. Who Am I
10. Code of Honor
11. Humbling My Skin
Bei der bevorstehenden neuen Scheibe handelt es sich um das sechste Studio-Album von Upon A Burning Body. Zuletzt erschien 2019 „Souther Hostility“; 2020 erblickte außerdem die EP „Built From War“ das Licht der Welt.
Bild: YouTube / Seek & Strike „Upon A Burning Body – „A New Responsibility“ (Official Music Video)“
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