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Soilwork präsentieren neue Version von „Stålfågel“ mit Alissa White-Gluz (Arch Enemy)

Der Track stammt vom aktuellen Album "Verkligheten".

VON AM 27/10/2019

Soilwork haben Anfang des Jahres ihr Album „Verkligheten“ auf den Markt gebracht. Darauf zu finden ist auch der Song „Stålfågel“, den die Kombo aus Schweden nun in neuem Glanz veröffentlicht. Die Band hat nämlich eine weitere Version des Tracks zu Verfügung gestellt, auf dem Arch Enemy-Frontfrau Alissa White-Gluz einen Gastpart übernimmt. Der Track steht weiter unten für euch zum Anhören bereit.

White-Gluz kommentierte die Zusammenarbeit wie folgt:

„Very pleased to unveil a special edition of the song Stålfågel I recorded with my friends in Soilwork ! I have always wanted to sing with Bjorn, I think he is a fantastic vocalist and of course he shares a project with our own Sharlee D’Angelo as well, The Night Flight Orchestra, where he shows off even more vocal diversity!

Funny enough, SOME people got to hear this version of this song a few months ago, and even though there was no mention of my participation, everyone recognized my voice and insisted they heard me singing…. you were correct! Well done! I’m flattered you recognized me!“

„Verkligheten“ markiert das nunmehr neunte Studioalbum von Soilwork. In den kommenden Wochen und Monaten wird uns allerdings noch mehr neues Material der Schweden erwarten.

Die Band um Frontmann Björn Strid hat nämlich eine Trilogie neuer Songs angekündigt. Mit „Feverish“ erreichte uns dieser Tage bereits die erste von drei neuen Singles.

Hört jetzt „Stålfågel“ von Soilwork feat. Alissa White-Gluz


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We have all been feverish. We have all sometimes given in to the temperature rising inside of us, being ridden by a ghost that made us do things we didn’t want to do, but it somehow felt good afterwards, like a purging of the mortal organism that confines us. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ SOILWORK will be releasing »The Feverish Trinity« over the next five months, a trilogy of songs with accompanying videos that will celebrate the Babylonian Death Goddesses that once made the world a more Feverish and exciting place. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Watch the full video over on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/004nwbT–H8 "Feverish" is now available digitally, along with a new version of "Stålfågel", featuring Arch Enemy's Alissa White-Gluz. Stream both tracks now, here: https://nblast.de/Soilwork-Feverish

Ein Beitrag geteilt von (@soilwork) am

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Very pleased to unveil a special edition of the song Stålfågel I recorded with my friends in @soilwork ! I have always wanted to sing with Bjorn, I think he is a fantastic vocalist and of course he shares a project with our own Sharlee D’Angelo as well, @nightflightorchestra , where he shows off even more vocal diversity! Funny enough, SOME people got to hear this version of this song a few months ago, and even though there was no mention of my participation, everyone recognized my voice and insisted they heard me singing…. you were correct! Well done! I’m flattered you recognized me! Anyways, check out this lovely tune, Stålfågel! . . #alissawhitegluz #stålfågel #metal

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Alissa White-Gluz (@alissawhitegluz) am

Foto: Soilwork / Offizielles Pressebild


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