Palisades: Frontmann Louis Miceli hat die Band verlassen
Ein Nachfolger steht bereits fest.
AM 02/12/2021
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Seit 2011 war Sänger Louis „Lou“ Miceli Jr. für den Job am Mikrofon bei Palisades zuständig. Wer nach diesem Satz schon heftig mit der Stirn runzelt, denkt genau richtig.
Korrekt, Miceli hat nach zehn Jahren nun seinen Ausstieg aus der Band verkündet. Die Kombo postete jetzt ein längeres Statement des Musikers auf ihren Socials, in dem dieser seinen überraschenden Weggang erklärt.
Palisades mit neuem Gesicht an vorderster Front
Kurzfassung: Kein böses Blut, dafür viele Überlegungen und jede Menge Selbstreflexion, insbesondere seit dem Beginn der Pandemie und sogar einem Covid-geschuldetem Krankenhausaufenthalt. Wir wünschen ihm nur das Beste für seinen weiteren Weg.Ein „Nachfolger“ – wenn man so will – wurde bereits gefunden. Bassist und Co-Vokalist Brandon Elgar soll ab sofort den Hauptgesang der Formation übernehmen.
Schon diesen Freitag soll es etwas mit ihm als neuen Frontmann zu hören geben. Das riecht natürlich stark nach einem komplett neuem Song – vielleicht sogar mit einer umfassenderen Ankündigung? Wir werden sehen.
Das Statement von Ex-Sänger Louis Miceli
„Over the last two years during Covid-19, quarantine, and ultimately myself being hospitalized from Covid, I’ve taken the time to reflect and it’s with a heavy heart I have to say that my chapter with Palisades has come to an end. Let me first say up front that we are all still friends and this was a hard decision for both myself and the guys to come to but we both felt that it was time we explored different paths and opportunities. I will forever have love for them and I know that they feel the same.
The last 10 years with Palisades have been the best years of my life. Who would’ve thought that we would’ve went from practicing in Aaron’s basement to playing sold out festivals and touring across the globe? It was like our baby that I helped created and watch grow with the rest of the guys. I was lucky enough to travel the world with my best friends and play music but more so than that, write lyrics that connected with all of you. I got to play shows where you could feel the emotion when we performed. I was fortunate enough to meet so many amazing people, some of which became the closest of friends and of course all of you incredible fans.
As people get older they can begin to want different things. That’s where I find myself at now. Music will absolutely always be apart of me. I’ve been recording some songs on my own and writing music for other artists to keep my creativity going. I’m also enjoying getting to explore the other artistic parts of myself that I was never fully able to focus on such as my clothing brand ‚Head Case‘ and pursuing a career in graphic design.
Above all I want to thank Matt, Aaron, Xavier, Brandon, their families as well as Rise Records, Matt Young and Brian Schechter for all of their love, friendship, brotherhood and support. I want to especially thank all of our fans. From the VFW halls and bars with two fans all the way to our festivals and newest listeners, you helped me grow as a person more than you could ever know. I love you all from the bottom of my heart and hope we can continue on a different journey together. Please continue to support Palisades and look towards their future music, it’s gonna be amazing.
On a final note, these past few years have been hard for everyone. I feel it’s made us all look at our lives through a new lens. The first lyric I wrote for Palisades was ‚I’m not dying today‘ and if that’s not a fitting way to end this post and to give hope for the overall state of the world right now, I don’t know what is. Love you all.“
Bild: YouTube / „Palisades – War (Official Music Video)“
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