

Metallica: Lamb Of God-Sänger sagt, dass James Hetfield sein Leben gerettet hat

Seine ganze Geschichte könnt ihr jetzt nachlesen.

VON AM 01/10/2019

Während wir aktuell in Gedanken immer noch bei Metallica-Frontmann James Hetfield sind, äußern mehr und mehr Künstler und Wegbegleiter ihre Dankbarkeit für den 56-jährigen und wollen ihm Mut zusprechen. Nach Hatebreed-Sänger Jamey Jasta sowie Ex-Bassist Ron McGovney meldete sich nun auch Lamb of God-Frontmann Randy Blythe zu Wort.

Im Kommentarbereich des privaten Posts von Jasta schildert Blythe eine gemeinsame Tour-Zeit mit Metallica, in der Hetfield und seine Crew ihm geholfen hätten, trocken zu werden.

Er selbst hätte es ohne ihn und die anderen in dieser Zeit nicht geschafft, vom Alkohol wegzukommen. Die Gespräche haben ihm aufgezeigt, wer er wirklich sei und was passieren kann, wenn er seine Sucht nicht in den Griff bekommt.

Blythe ist sich sicher, dass Hetfield sein Leben gerettet habe. Die kompletten Ausführungen könnt ihr euch jetzt weiter unten zu Gemüte führen (via

Metallica haben in der Nacht von Freitag auf Samstag alle geplanten Konzerte mit Slipknot in Neuseeland und Australien abgesagt, da sich James Hetfield rückfallbedingt in eine Entzugsklinik begeben habe.

Wir wünschen ihm weiterhin nur das Beste und viel Kraft.

Das Statement von Randy Blythe (Lamb of God) bezüglich Metallica-Sänger James Hetfield

“I got sober while we were on tour with Metallica almost 9 years ago. The first day of that run, one of my crew guys came to me and said “Hey, Hetfield’s looking for you”- we had been touring with them in the States & Europe for over a year and I was just RAGING, especially in Europe, but inside I was MISERABLE.

He knew I had been trying to quit drinking, it wasn’t working for me anymore, & it all came to an end in Australia. A HUGE FACTOR in my willingness & ability to get sober while on fucking heavy metal tour was the fact that I had James & some of his crew who were also sober to talk to- I didn’t have to do it alone.

James & crew babied me through my first month of sobriety out there on the road- it was a heavy trip. I couldn’t have done it without them. When I saw the news about James today, I hurt so bad inside for him, because he was there for me when I was in such bad shape- I know how dark it can get.

But it was also a very strong reminder for me of what I am, & what waits for me if I fuck up & forget I am alcoholic. If you’re an alcoholic, NO ONE IS IMMUNE, no matter how long you have been sober. James is in the right place right now, though, & as he has gone there of his own volition, it sounds like to me he wants sobriety back- and that is the key to it all, you have to want it.

So my thoughts & prayers are with him- I love that dude. He literally helped SAVE MY LIFE.”

Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an

A Note from Lars, Kirk, and Rob ・・・ We are truly sorry to inform our fans and friends that we must postpone our upcoming tour of Australia and New Zealand. ・・・ As most of you probably know, our brother James has been struggling with addiction on and off for many years. He has now, unfortunately, had to re-enter a treatment program to work on his recovery again. ・・・ We fully intend to make our way to your part of the world as soon as health and schedule permit. We’ll let you know as soon as we can. Once again, we are devastated that we have inconvenienced so many of you, especially our most loyal fans who often travel great distances to experience our shows. We appreciate your understanding and support for James and, as always, thank you for being a part of our Metallica family. ・・・ All tickets purchased to the shows in Australia and New Zealand, including Enhanced Experiences and Black Tickets, will be fully refunded. Links to more details on how to obtain your refund are posted on

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Foto: Metallica / YouTube: „Now That We’re Dead (Zürich, Switzerland – May 10, 2019)“


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