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Lorna Shore: Fans sollen das neue Album unvoreingenommen hören

Die Release wird vom Rauswurf des Sängers überschattet.

VON AM 30/01/2020

Morgen bringen Lorna Shore ihr neues Studioalbum „Immortal“ auf den Markt. Die Release der Platte wurde in den vergangenen Wochen allerdings vom Rauswurf des ehemaligen Frontmanns CJ McCreery überschattet.

Kurze Zeit später wurde bekannt, dass der neue Longplayer trotz aller Anschuldigungen gegen den Sänger MIT den Vocals von McCreery erscheinen wird. Gitarrist Adam De Micco wendet sich jetzt mit einem Statement an die Fans.

Lorna Shore-Gitarrist bittet Fans, das neue Album von neutralem Standpunkt aus zu betrachten

In dem bittet er sie, die neue Platte von Lorna Shore trotz der Vorwürfe gegen ihren ehemaligen Frontmann unvoreingenommen zu hören. Insbesondere er und sein Bandkollegen Austin Archey (Schlagzeug) haben hart an der Platte gearbeitet. Die Fans sollen die neue Scheibe als Album der Band nehmen und nicht als Album mit einem Sänger, dem sexuelle Belästigung vorgeworfen wird.

Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an

“Immortal” comes out on Friday and I have a ton to say regarding the release of this record. . . I’ve been doing my best to be as positive and calm in the midst of all of the noise around this album. The more I attempt to be quiet the harder it gets. . . Lorna Shore has been something I have been fighting for for the past 10 years. It wasn’t an established band I joined, it wasn’t some well off band on the way up. I came in at the bottom. The bottom as in VFW shows that 20 people were at. . . Since that point in time I have fought for it day in and day out. From when members come and go, when a record needs to be written, from when anything goes south, I’m always there to pick up the pieces. . . Point I’m getting at is I fight tirelessly for this. I put everything on the table and there isn’t a soul who has been involved with me can deny this. . . @austinarchey_ and I worked to the bone to make this record happen. It was him and I working on these songs by ourselves. It was only him and I in the studio making this record happen. We came up with the title “Immortal” before any note was written because it’s how we felt about the band. Both came to each other with that out of no where. Wasn’t anything to do with the song. The song came from the image we created. . . The symbol you get tattooed, the artwork you see before you, the fact that this is coming out on a label (or even coming out at all). All of which was done by him and I. . . This has always been our album. This has always been our band. This is us putting out something for the world to hear. Nothing more than putting our stamp on the metal world. We’ve never done this for nothing other than our artistic expression. . . What we ask is listen to this from a neutral standpoint. Not from the drama around the vocalist, or how it wasn’t put on when you wanted it, or re-recorded vocals, to instrumentally. Listen to it as is. Listen to it from a place of art and a place of this is music. Period. This record is so much bigger than the noise that is surrounding it in our eyes. It would be a shame that the work we put into goes to waste. I love you all. Thanks for reading.

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Adam De Micco (@adamdemicco) am

„Immortal“ erscheint am morgigen Freitag, den 31. Januar und markiert das dritte Studioalbum von Lorna Shore.

Derweil arbeite man daran, einen Nachfolger für McCreery zu finden. Ab März sind sie dann bei der Rising Merch Faces Of Death Tour 2020 hierzulande live zu sehen. Gemeinsam mit Decapitated, Beyond Creation, Ingested und Viscera machen sie einige deutsche Städte unsicher.

Foto: Lorna Shore / YouTube: „Grimoire | Adam DeMicco | Guitar Playthrough (OFFICIAL)“


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