Joe Payne (Ex-Divine Heresy, Ex-Nile) im Alter von 35 Jahren verstorben
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AM 25/01/2020
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Joe Payne, der ehemalige Bassist und Gitarrist von Bands wie Divine Heresy, Nile und mehr, ist im Alter von 35 Jahren verstorben. Das postete sein ehemaliger Bandkollege und Freund Dino Cazares (Fear Factory) nun über seine Socials.
Ex-Divine Heresy-Mitglied Joe Payne im Alter von 35 Jahren verstorben
Dazu fand er folgende berührende Worte.
„Our Metal brother Joseph Payne has passed away. Another one gone way to young.
I wasn’t going to say anything until I got confirmation from his family, which I now did. At this time no cause of death has been revealed.
Joe was a great friend, a great band member and an incredible musician. Although he played bass in Divine Heresy, he was an incredible guitarist. I first saw him playing bass in Nile and right then and there, I said, ‘I want that guy in my band.’
After having that first conversation that night, I realized he was a great dude and from there on, we’ve shared some amazing moments in life and on tour,from Australia to South America to Canada to Mexico to Europe etc..
Joe was a very outgoing funny guy with a very friendly personality. He was loved by many and he loved all his fans and road friends. He never complained when times got tough on the road. He always helped everyone and worked his ass off when he was in DH and I admired him for being that way. 
We love you and we will miss you Rest In Peace my friend.
–Dino Cazares“
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Joe Payne wurde 1984 in Tampa, Florida geboren. 2005 bis 2007 war er Teil von Nile, wurde dann jedoch aus der Band geworfen. Anschließend spielte er in den Jahren 2007 bis 2011 Bass bei Divine Hersey.
Eine Todesursache wurde bisher nicht bekanntgegeben.
Foto: Joseph Payne / YouTube: „11 Ways to Leave This Earth With a Bang Guitar Riffs“
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