Jim Root (Slipknot) und Cristina Scabbia (Lacuna Coil) beenden Beziehung
Lacuna Coil-Frontfrau Cristina Scabbia und Slipknot-Gitarrist Jim Root haben ihre Liebesbeziehung in den vergangenen Jahren nie wirklich breitgetreten. Gut so. ...
AM 04/01/2018
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Lacuna Coil-Frontfrau Cristina Scabbia und Slipknot-Gitarrist Jim Root haben ihre Liebesbeziehung in den vergangenen Jahren nie wirklich breitgetreten. Gut so. Der eine oder andere wusste aber vielleicht dennoch von ihrer Bindung. In einem kleinen Rückblick auf 2017 ließ Scabbia aber nun wissen, dass das Ganze mittlerweile der Vergangenheit angehöre. Ohne Root direkt beim Namen zu nennen, ist in den Ausführungen davon die Rede, dass die 45jährige eine Beziehung beendet habe, die 13 Jahre ihres Lebens bestimmt habe.
Abseits dessen schien 2017 an sich nicht das beste Jahr für sie gewesen zu sein. So verlor sie beispielsweise im Laufe weniger Monate ihre Eltern. Ein harter Schicksalsschlag.
Folgendes ließ Cristina Scabbia von Lacuna Coil wissen:
„The beginning of a new year is very, very close. I find myself thinking about everything that happened to me in 2017. So many things have happened.
„In few months I have lost both my parents, the two human beings I loved the most in the entire universe, the ones who always supported me and made me who I am today and will guide me until the end of my days.
„I have ended a very long relationship who fulfilled 13 years of my existence and my heart.
„I have spent incredible moments with Lacuna Coil, working on a record that was very successful and lots of people appreciated, touring the world, meeting lots of new fans.
„I have lost lots of precious lives, around me. I shared laughs and tears with my friends. I know more than ever how much I care about them.
„I like to think that everything happens for a reason. Even the most heartbreaking experiences taught me so much and gave me this feeling of… almost being invincible.
„I know that the most important things in life can’t be purchased, I know love is all around me, I know I have an army of friends that I love to death, I have lots of great plans for 2018.
„Most of all I do know happiness starts from the inside, regardless of what is happening on the outside. I wish you all a great end of the year and may 2018 be bright and full of inspiration.“
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