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Five Finger Death Punch: Ivan Moody will nun doch nicht mehr in Metal-Rente gehen

Ja was denn nun?

VON AM 27/10/2022

Erst kürzlich ging ein regelrechtes Erdbeben durch die Fangemeinde von Five Finger Death Punch, als Aufnahmen eines Konzertes in Denver auftauchten, bei dem Frontman Ivan Moody quasi seinen bevorstehenden Abschied aus dem Metal ankündigte – der eigenen Familie zuliebe.

Ein Album solle es noch geben, danach sei Schluss mit der härteren Gangart (und wohl eher auch dem regelmäßigen Touren, was die Zeit mit Kindern und Co. tendenziell mehr beeinträchtigt als das gewählte Genre).

Ivan Moody bleibt Five Finger Death Punch und dem Metal erhalten

Jetzt ist aber wieder alles anders, ergriff Moody doch nun erneut das Wort und kündigt in einem Video an, das er EBEN NICHT in Metal-Rente gehen werde.

„I really sat back the last few days and took it all in. And I first off want to apologize. I do. I apologize. I apologize because music’s all I’ve got, and I don’t think, for one, my kids would respect me in the long run if I quit doing what got me here. I don’t think my friends would talk to me. Obviously they didn’t text me, not the ones I was hoping for.

My bandmates deserve better. Zoltan deserves my heart and has earned my respect time and time again. He may as well be my blood. You deserve the best, there is no question about that.“

Vor allem die emotionale Bindung zur schweren Musik sei etwas, das ihn am Leben halte:

„I can’t quit. I can’t. I’m not. To be quite honest with you, I think I’d die. Maybe not physically die, my but soul would fucking definitely fade, and I didn’t come here for that. There is a fucking fire inside of me that will never go out. Music and heavy metal are all I’ve ever had, all I’ve ever known. I was designed by it. When all the rest of the world kept betting against me — underdog, day after day after day — I found solace and sanctuary in bands like Metallica and Pantera, Alice In Chains, Danzig… The list goes on and on.

It fed me what I needed when I needed without question, unconditional love. I can’t say that for anything else on this fucking planet, [aside from] kids of course…“

Alles zurück auf Anfang

Zu guter Letzt gesteht er sich ein, etwas impulsiv mit seiner ursprünglichen Ankündigung agiert zu haben:

„I ain’t going anywhere. I’m not, and Zo will hear about it first thing in the morning. As a matter of fact, I’m gonna text him the second I get off this. I owe you. I owe me. I owe everything that I’ve ever stood for. Maybe I was a little bit impulsive…

My kids — and I’m even gonna record it — because I want you to hear the sincerity when I talk to them. I’m not gonna record the whole thing, but I do… I think that they’ll thank me for it. In the ways that I’m not there, I am there in others. I hope you’ll all forgive me for rambling and taking this on…“


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