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Five Finger Death Punch: Das plötzliche Aus für Jason Hook


VON AM 05/02/2020

Five Finger Death Punch machen derzeit die Venues hierzulande unsicher. Zusammen mit Megadeth und Bad Wolves befinden sie sich derzeit auf „MegaDeathPunch“ Tour durch Deutschland und Europa.

Nun muss die Band um Frontmann Ivan Moody ohne ihren Gitarristen Jason Hook weitermachen. Der Musiker brach überraschend die Tour ab. Grund dafür ist die vorangegangene OP letztes Jahr.

Five Finger Death Punch-Gitarrist bricht laufende Tour ab

Hook musste die Gallenblase herausgenommen werden, in Folge dessen die Band bereits einige US-Shows absagen musste. Er braucht unerwartet mehr Zeit für die Regeneration und kehrt deshalb frühzeitig nach Hause zurück. Für die restlichen Shows wird Gitarrist Andy James (Ex-Sacred Mother Tongue/Fields Of The Nephilim) mit von der Partie sein.

„[…] Due to unforeseen circumstances, our brother Jason Hook will not be able to perform tonight. He needs additional time for his recovery and must step back from the current tour in order to have the opportunity to do so. We discussed this as a band and Jason‘s well-being is our priority – health comes first.

It was Jason‘s express wish that we continue the tour so with Jason’s blessing we have invited our friend Andy James who has agreed to step in and finish the tour for Jason.

We are grateful for Andy stepping up and will continue to deliver the great show the fans deserve every night.

We’ve been having an incredible run with our friends in Megadeth and Bad Wolves so far, and the vibe of the tour has been amazing. We look forward to seeing all the German fans next and appreciate all of you joining us in wishing Jason a speedy recovery. […]“

Wir wünschen Jason Hook weiterhin gute Besserung und begrüßen stellvertretend Andy James an der Gitarre.

Five Finger Death Punch sind noch bis Mitte des Monats in Europa unterwegs. Am 28. Februar erscheint außerdem das neue Studioalbum „F8“.

Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an

Hamburg Knuckleheads, Due to unforeseen circumstances, our brother Jason Hook will not be able to perform tonight. He needs additional time for his recovery and must step back from the current tour in order to have the opportunity to do so. We discussed this as a band and Jason's well-being is our priority – health comes first. It was Jason's express wish that we continue the tour so with Jason’s blessing we have invited our friend Andy James who has agreed to step in and finish the tour for Jason. We are grateful for Andy stepping up and will continue to deliver the great show the fans deserve every night. We've been having an incredible run with our friends in Megadeth and Bad Wolves so far, and the vibe of the tour has been amazing. We look forward to seeing all the German fans next and appreciate all of you joining us in wishing Jason a speedy recovery. Five Finger Death Punch

Ein Beitrag geteilt von (@5fdp) am

Foto: YouTube / „FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH Jason Hook“



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