Faces Of Death Tour 2020 muss ebenfalls abgebrochen werden
Wenig überraschend.
AM 13/03/2020
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Seit Anfang des Monats bahnt sich die Rising Merch Faces Of Death Tour 2020 mit Decapitated, Beyond Creation, Lorna Shore, Ingested und Viscera den Weg durch Europa. Nun müssen die noch ausstehenden Termine mit Ausnahme der Dates in UK verschoben werden.
Das Ganze kommt in Anbetracht der Situation rund um das Coronavirus nicht wenig überraschend. Hinzu kommt, dass Ingested wegen eines familiären Zwischenfalls die Tour nicht weiter bestreiten können. Lorna Shore müssen wegen des Einreiseverbots von US-Präsident Donald Trump indes zurück in die USA reisen.
Laufende Faces Of Death Tour 2020 wegen Coronavirus abgebrochen
„Due to the rapidly changing circumstances regarding COVID-19, the majority of the remaining Faces Of Death shows in mainland Europe were forced to be cancelled due to government decrees. Unfortunately because of this, we regretfully need to announce that all shows from 18th March onwards won’t be taking place anymore.
Everybody involved in the tour, including the bands, tried their very best over the last few days to save the rest of the tour, but at this point it is simply not doable anymore to continue the European dates.
All the remaining UK shows will still go ahead! However, due to an unexpected family emergency Ingested had to leave the tour yesterday. Our thoughts go out to them.
Due to the travel ban issued by President Trump, Lorna Shore unfortunately need to leave the tour early and are not able to play the Bristol and Southampton shows anymore.
To everybody who bought a ticket for any of the shows, we want to thank you very much for your support. If you were able to attend one of the Faces Of Death shows, we hope you had a great time! If you have a ticket for one of the remaining UK shows, we ask you to understand the current situation and hope you will still be able to attend the show.
To everybody who has a ticket for one of the remaining European shows, we are sorry for the inconvenience. Tickets can be refunded at your point of purchase, but please be patient.“
Von Nachholterminen ist bisher nicht die Rede. Bereits erworbene Karten können an den Vorverkaufsstellen zurückgegeben werden.
Von der Absage des Faces Of Death Tour betroffen sind die folgenden deutschen Termine:
21.03.2020 – Karlsruhe, Weiße Rose
23.03.2020 – München, Backstage
28.03.2020 – Dresden, Puschkin
Foto: Artwork der Faces Of Death-Tour 2020
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