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Every Time I Die: Keith Buckley fühlt sich von seiner Band „geächtet“, bricht Tour ab


VON AM 04/12/2021

Von gestern auf heute haben sich im Lager von Every Time I Die allem Anschein nach dunkle Wolken aufgetan. Den Anfang machte die Verkündung von Frontmann Keith Buckley, dass er die aktuell laufende US-Tour der Kombo unterbreche, um sich um seine eigene mentale Gesundheit kümmern zu können. Wissen ließ er folgendes:

“Caring for my own mental health has taken priority over EVERYTHING else in my life. the Love it has brought to everything I do has been clear to everyone that has seen me and I value my progress way too much to allow a setback. I am taking a hiatus from ETID to prepare for TTS”

Soweit, so neutral. Auch das darauf folgende Statement der Band unterstrich diese Erklärung. Der Rest von ETID spiele die Tour demnach ohne Sänger zu Ende und das Publikum selbst sei hier für die Vocals vorgesehen:

„Mental Health is a real issue and when not treated has an impact on so many people. Keith needs to take this time to rest and prepare for the holiday shows and we wish him a quick recovery. We also understand that so many of you have been looking forward to these last few shows on our tour. We don’t want to let you down so we’ll be playing these last three shows without a vocalist.

Like Keith always says ’this mic is your mic’. So come and help us finish up this tour. Anyone that no longer wants to attend will be given refunds at point of purchase.“

Dunkle Wolken am Every Time I Die-Himmel

Mittlerweile schoss Buckley bei Twitter aber hinterher und legte gewisse Spannungen untereinander offen. Nicht nur, dass er sich aufgrund der Veränderung seines Lebensstils von seiner Band „geächtet“ fühle, nein, allen voran wolle er sich von seinem eigenen Bruder, Gitarrist Jordan Buckley schützen:

„now that I have seen the “official statement” indicating that ETID is finishing the tour without their singer, I think I’m ready to tell you all a little bit about exactly WHY my mental health has had to become a priority over ETID. and trust I have receipts while meditating in a side room yesterday I overheard my own brother tell an outsider that ETID had been in talks to replace me this entire time. I thought they were my biggest supporters. but Jordan had lied. his concern was a cruel trick. their statement is proof.

traveling separately, away from alcohol and the behaviors of those who choose to drink, has brought me peace of mind and has made me the best performer I have ever been. I love the ETID community and finally felt like I was giving back in a meaningful way. and I will continue

to being ostracized from a band I have built for 20 years because I made a decision to do whatever it took to be a good Human Being hurts me deeply, but trust me when I say I am the most mentally fit I have ever been. this decision was made to protect myself from my own sibling“

Worin diese Entwicklungen münden, wird die Zeit zeigen. Für den Anfang wünschen wir Keith Buckley nur das Beste im Kampf gegen die eigenen Dämonen.

Besagte Tour wird nun aufgrund eines positiven Covid-Tests der Vorband ’68 so oder nicht mehr zu Ende gebracht werden, wie ETID vor wenigen Stunden haben wissen lassen.

Foto: Michael Watson / Offizielles Pressebild



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