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Erra: Tour 2022 mit Dayseeker, Brand Of Sacrifice & Hollow Front abgesagt


VON AM 13/01/2022

Liebe Liebenden, wir befinden uns gerade wieder in einer Zeit, die von Verschiebungen und Absagen nur so strotzt. Betroffen sind jetzt auch die Mannen von Erra, die uns eigentlich kommenden Monat mit dicker Verstärkung durch Dayseeker, Brand Of Sacrifice und Hollow Front hätten besuchen sollen.

Headliner-Tour 2022 von Erra fällt komplett aus

Daraus wird aber NATÜRLICH nichts. Erra ließen jetzt wissen, dass die hierzulande doch recht umfangreiche Sause aus bekannten Gründen nebst entsprechenden Restriktionen ausfallen wird. Also so ganz.

Verschoben wird nicht, stattdessen wurde die Tour kurzerhand abgesagt. Folgendes Statement gab es dazu:

„We held out as long as possible to keep this tour going, but unfortunately, we have to cancel our EU/UK headliner in February.

To provide a little context, stricter regulations were introduced in Germany and elsewhere in Europe back in November, which have only tightened through the holidays. From what we’ve come to understand from our team in Europe, promoters in some of the countries we’re hitting (while technically allowed to put on shows) are limited to heavily reduced capacities (some as low as 25%). Along with this revelation, there are also the major financial risks associated with any of us testing positive for Covid, the primary risk being forced to forfeit our transportation rental on the spot and not only unable to play, but also being stranded in another continent without a means of transporting all of our gear.

Please bear in mind that at the time of announcing this tour last summer, these setbacks we’re clarifying were not in place nor anticipated to be a factor by February. A lot of this is new info and we held out as long as possible because rest assured, we did not want to cancel this run. This was our first headliner in EU, tickets were selling great, and we were looking forward to finally having a full production set over there. We’re flying by the seat of our pants like everyone else, but we’re at least relieved that this is the first time we’ve had to cancel a tour since the pandemic began. It sucks major, and we hope we don’t have to do it again.

One last thing to note, this is not a “reschedule,” but a “cancellation”. We absolutely will be making a EU headliner happen again asap, but the reason why we chose not to phrase this as a reschedule is simply because we don’t want to hold people’s ticket money for months, a year, or worse.

Thank you for reading, we hope you understand, and above all else, stay safe out there. We’ll see you as soon as possible.“

Diese Shows finden nicht statt

Von der Absage sind folgende Konzerte betroffen:

04.02.2022 – DE – Köln, Club Volta
05.02.2022 – DE – Hamburg, Logo
06.02.2022 – DE – Berlin, Badehaus
08.02.2022 – DE – München, Backstage
09.02.2022 – AT – Wien, Arena
10.02.2022 – DE – Nürnberg, Z-Bau
12.02.2022 – DE – Chemnitz, AJZ
14.02.2022 – CH – Aarau, Kiff
24.02.2022 – DE – Wiesbaden, Schlachthof

Tickets können wie immer da zurückgegeben werden, wo sie gekauft wurden.

Foto: Aaron Marsh / Offizielles Pressebild

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