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Decapitated: Neues Crowdfunding-Projekt für Ex-Frontmann Adrian Kowanek

Der ehemalige Musiker sitzt seit einem Unfall 2007 im Rollstuhl.

VON AM 13/10/2019

Anno 2007 waren Decapitated während einer Tour in einen schweren Busunfall verwickelt, bei dem Drummer und Gründungsmitglied Witold „Vitek“ Kiełtyka ums Leben kam. Der ehemalige Sänger Adrian „Covan“ Kowanek überlebte das Unglück zwar, erlitt aber schwerste Verletzungen. Infolge derer sitzt er seitdem im Rollstuhl.

Kowaneks Freunde und Familie haben nun ein Crowdfunding-Projekt ins Leben gerufen, um einen neuen Rollstuhl für ihn organisieren zu können. Sein jetziger sei bereits über 20 Jahre alt.

Crowdfunding-Kampagne soll neuen Rollstuhl für Adrian finanzieren

Wer gerne spenden möchte, kann dies über diesen Link tun. Jeder Beitrag hilft.

Nach dem Unfall 2007 pausierten Decapitated zwei Jahre lang. 2009 meldeten sie sich dann in neuer Besetzung zurück.

Derzeit besteht die Band aus Gitarrist Wacław „Vogg“ Kiełtyka, Sänger Rafał „Rasta“ Piotrowski und Bassist Hubert Więcek.

Die aktuelle Platte der polnischen Kombo heißt „Anticult“ und stammt aus dem Jahr 2017.

„Back in March, i did a fundraising to help paying a tiny bit of Adrian’s expenses since everything is paid by his parents. I visited them end of March and i had the chance to discuss with his dad Leszek about his current situation and needs. If you don’t know Adrian, he used to be the vocalist of the Polish death metal band Decapitated and recorded the album Organic Hallucinosis with them in 2006. In 2007, the band had a tour bus accident in Russia that led to the death of their drummer Vitek and the injury of Adrian. He suffers from cerebral hypoxia and is totally paralyzed since then.

Talking to Leszek, he mentioned that Adrian needs a new wheelchair: they bought his current one used in 2007 for 7 years which means this wheelchair is 20 years old!!

Adrian can’t have the least of a quality time since his wheelchair is too old (as you can see in the photos) and they aren’t able to take him for long walks or anything.

For Christmas, i want to help them to get him a new wheelchair (a Carony wheelchair system, made in Sweden) which will allow them to get him into the vehicle while sitting, by transforming the car seat into a wheelchair and will completely eliminate the lifting during the transfer (which can be dangerous in his case).

All in all, the wheelchair and the modifications they have to do for their car to be able to use it, will cost them around 9500 euros. This is kinda big amount that they find hard to afford since they are forced to pay as well the therapists and the treatments he needs monthly by themselves.

Thanks to everyone who helped in March and i’m hoping some people will help again by donating and/or sharing!“

Damaliger Bericht über Adrian Kowanek (Ex-Decapitated)


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Link in bio👆 THANK YOU FOR SUPPORT❗️#wakeupcovan

Ein Beitrag geteilt von (@decapitatedband) am

Foto: GoFundMe / „Help Adrian “Covan” Kowanek (ex- Decapitated)“



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