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Dealer: Alle Mitglieder bis auf Frontmann Aidan Holmes haben die Band verlassen

Schwere Vorwürfe werden erhoben.

VON AM 23/06/2020

Vier von fünf Bandmitglieder der Band Dealer haben die Kombo verlassen, sodass Sänger Aidan Holmes (alias Aiden Ellaz) das einzig verbliebene Mitglied ist. Grund für die überraschende Auflösung sind dieses Mal Vorwürfe des schweren mentalen Missbrauchs.

In einem Statement heißt es seitens der Gitarristen Maurice Morfaw und Martin Wood sowie Drummer Joe Dean und Bassist Alex Milovic, dass sie mit sofortiger Wirkung nicht mehr Teil der Band seien: „We have decided to no longer be a part of or associated with Dealer effective immediately. At an appropriate time, more information will come.“

Vier von fünf Mitgliedern verlassen Dealer

Ex-Gitarrist Josh Ang, der sich bereits vor einem Jahr entschloss, nicht mehr Teil der Band zu sein, veröffentlichte ein etwas ausführlicheres Statement dazu.

Darin schreibt er, dass er sich schäme, eine unbenannte Person (bei der davon ausgegangen werden kann, dass es sich um Holmes handelt) so lange verteidigt und ihm mit der Musik eine Plattform gegeben zu haben, sich in die Öffentlichkeit zu drängen.

Er sei hierbei seitens des Labels Stay Sick Recordings unter Druck gesetzt worden, wolle nun aber nicht mehr schweigen.

„i will not stay silent.
i am no longer afraid of the labels and contracts that bind me

i’ve been lied to, manipulated and hurt, like so many others have too.
i’m in contact with the victim and im gonna make sure justice happens.
im ashamed that i wrote the ep that gave him this platform. im ashamed i contributed to the second ep and made it a reality too

Ive always been told what to do, and when to do it, and how to do it. I was never given the credit i was due. Some parts of the second ep are still me. Hell, even the title is mine. Even after i left, he still had a hand on me. Threats about not following thru with the contract and receiving law sues if i didn’t write for them in secret.

i apologise for defending this man.
i cannot name him but you know who he is.

everyone else in the band, past or present are good people. they tried their best to protect me.
please dont attack them.
thank you for the chance to live out my dream.

To their label: I see you trying to start this project up again. You do not have permission to use my music.
I’m not scared of you anymore.

i don’t really exist in this genre anymore, but if i could ask you all a favour of making sure that you do not let this project or any iterations of it rise up from its grave again.

apologies if i am unable to name names right now. this is a legal issue.

keep bleeding bitch.
i should have recognised a snake when i saw one.“

Auch Ex-Dealer-Gitarrist und Gründungsmitglied David Wilder meldete sich via Reddit zu Wort. Er nahm Josh Ang in Schutz und erläuterte, dass Holmes seinen ehemaligen Bandkollegen psychisch unter Druck setzte.

„Josh was verbally and emotionally abused daily, by a certain member. I will leave you all to take a guess to who that is.

Josh said initially he ‚left‘ the band, but Josh was abused to the point that he had no choice. He had to leave for his mental health. I was dealing with the situation between Josh and this member, trying to keep Josh in something that was his and that he built.

After a week of constant phone calls between *member* and Josh, it was very clear that Josh had suffered at the hands of *member* verbal and mental abuse, and that *member* had lied several times about things that Josh said. *member* had painted Josh in a terrible light, defaming him among his band mates, and making him look terrible.

*member* had effectively turned the band against Josh, and so Josh was forced out of something that was more his than it was *member*’s.“

Das Statement findet ihr in Gänze hier.

Eine Stellungnahme von Aiden Holmes steht derzeit noch aus.

Bereits vor zwei Jahren wurden Vorwürfe gegen den Sänger laut. Eine Frau warf ihm dato Missbrauch und sexuelle Nötigung vor. Im Zuge dessen trennten sich Alpha Wolf, deren Sänger Holmes damals war, von ihm.

Foto: Dealer / Offizielles Pressebild


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