Casey geben überraschend ihre bevorstehende Auflösung bekannt
Auch dieses Jahr ist leider mit vollgepackt mit Bandauflösungen. Nachdem zuletzt The Charm The Fury ihr sofortiges Ende verkündeten, trifft ...
AM 02/12/2018
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Auch dieses Jahr ist leider mit vollgepackt mit Bandauflösungen. Nachdem zuletzt The Charm The Fury ihr sofortiges Ende verkündeten, trifft es jetzt die Post-/Melodic-Hardcore-Band Casey.
In einem längeren Statement auf ihren Socials lassen diese ihre Fans wissen, dass die Mitglieder mit dem nächsten Jahr getrennte Wege gehen werden. Die Ausführungen findet ihr in Gänze weiter unten.
Eine letzte UK/Europa-Tour wird Frontmann Tom Weaver und Co. noch einmal in unsere Gefilde führen, danach soll das Kapitel Casey abgeschlossen sein. Details zu den letzten Konzerten stehen allerdings bislang noch aus.
Die Band hat sich anno 2014 gegründet und in ihrer Schaffenszeit zwei EPs und zwei Alben veröffentlicht, zuletzt den Longplayer „Where I Go When I Am Sleeping“ im März dieses Jahres.
Lest jetzt das Statement von Casey
A sad reality of growing up is learning that just because a situation is good, it doesn’t mean that is it necessarily the right thing for you. The ability to remove yourself from a moment when everything seems to be going well, when everything is halcyon, is incredibly difficult to do.
Casey has always been the product of our collective passions, and as a result of that, we’ve never been a band that has cared all that much about public perception or statistical performance. Providing we were satisfied with the music we were making, the performances we were giving, and providing we were genuinely invested in the story being told, then that was more than enough to keep us happy. A performance to 10 people was equally as valuable as one to 10,000, and 10 streams were equally as gratifying as a million.
However, as a caveat of that ethos, in the interest of upholding our artistic integrity and safeguarding our mental health, we agreed that the moment we no longer felt creatively or emotionally invested in the art that we were making, we would lay Casey to rest. The time has come to say that although there are aspects of the band we all still love dearly, we have to be honest with ourselves, and admit that now is the right time to draw Casey to a close.
We’ve always been incredibly lucky to have our music and visuals received with a great deal of praise, from a wonderfully supportive community, who have also invested a lot of themselves into the band. The lyrics I have written have been reinterpreted in ways I never could have imagined, and in some cases have served as the muse for incredible pieces of art that fans have shared with us. But I am no longer the angry, conflicted man I was when writing a large portion of our songs, and to perform them nightly without being emotionally invested not only ties me to a place in my life that I no longer wish to remember, but feels like a betrayal of the authenticity upon which Casey was built.
As a band, we’ve shared experiences we never could have dreamed of, and met people that we’re both humbled and honoured to now consider friends. We’ve had the pleasure of working with a wonderful network of professionals from all over the world and have performed alongside some of our most revered peers. We’ve confided in our audiences, both online and in person, and in return have been confided in.
What we have made is larger than the five of us. A community has gravitated towards our humble little creative outpouring and has given our music significance beyond anything we could ever have imagined. In that regard, Casey will continue to live on through the meaning you have provided to our existence; and who knows, in a few years we may collectively feel there is a new story that needs to be told. Right now, however, it’s time to close this chapter of our lives in a place where we’re all happy and proud of what we’ve accomplished.
It’s time for us to bury our love.
There will be a final tour of Europe, the details of which will be released Monday, December 10th, at 10am GMT. And thanks to the assistance of a dear friend, there will also be a very special, one-off headline show in America which we cannot wait to reveal to you.
In conclusion, we’ll never be able to summarise our gratitude towards our fans, friends, families, and fellow creatives who’ve made these last 4 years as perfect as they have been. Honestly, from the bottoms of our hearts, thank you for everything.
All our love, forever,
Tom, Toby, Max, Martyna, Liam, Alec, and Adam
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