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Candy: Hardcore-Band mit neuem Label und gleich zwei frischen Songs

Und die hauen rein.

VON AM 24/09/2019

Erst im Oktober vergangenen Jahres haben Candy ihr Debütalbum „Good To Feel“ auf den Markt gebracht. Und es sollte nicht lange dauern, bis die US-Hardcore-Band mit neuem Material um die Ecke kommt.

Was eignet sich auch besser für die Bekanntgabe des frisch unterzeichneten Deals mit Relapse Records, als gleich zwei taufrische Tracks? Sicherlich nicht allzu viel.

Hört jetzt die neuen Tracks von Candy

Zu Gemüte führen könnt ihr euch die ungeschliffenen Diamanten über die weiter unten eingebetteten Player. Zum ersten Song „Super-Stare“ hatte die Band folgendes zu sagen:

“‘Super-Stare‘ is agoraphobia rather than claustrophobia. The ultimate trip; the song is a journey into a testing ground in which each living thing tries every day not to be eaten. As it unravels, the listener grows oppressed by the great weight of the music around them and gradually loses confidence in orderly civilization.”


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CANDY (@candygonnadie) sign to Relapse Records and share the Super-Stare 7". The two-track 7" offers a glimpse into the critically acclaimed band's pulverizing take on the genre ahead of their highly anticipated full-length. Order and stream now at CANDY comments: "'Super-Stare' is agoraphobia rather than claustrophobia. The ultimate trip; the song is a journey into a testing ground in which each living thing tries every day not to be eaten. As it unravels, the listener grows oppressed by the great weight of the music around them and gradually loses confidence in orderly civilization." Super-Stare is a synthesis of where aggressive music should be. Hardcore has reached a crossroads with Metal, a place where lyrical discourse and impassioned screaming is as important as the memorable riffs and pounding rhythms highlighting CANDY's music. CANDY begin their Fall US tour next week with Knocked Loose on October 1 through November 10. The band then will support Ghostmane for 5 dates from November 12 through 17. #Candy #CandyGonnaDie #Hardcore #HardcorePunk #RelapseRecords #Relapse2019

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Foto: Angela Owens / Offizielles Pressebild

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