DIE ULTIMATIVE LISTE: Diese neuen Alben erwarten uns 2025!
   • • •   DIE ULTIMATIVE LISTE: Diese neuen Alben erwarten uns 2025!    • • •   DIE ULTIMATIVE LISTE: Diese neuen Alben erwarten uns 2025!    • • •   DIE ULTIMATIVE LISTE: Diese neuen Alben erwarten uns 2025!    • • •  



BREAKDOWN OF SANITY: Band liegt erstmal auf Eis!

Oh ja, BREAKDOWN OF SANITY haben für Maßstäbe im Metalcore gesorgt! Zehn Jahre Bandgeschichte, bei mehreren Alben jeweils über 20.000 verkaufte ...

VON AM 11/05/2017

Oh ja, BREAKDOWN OF SANITY haben für Maßstäbe im Metalcore gesorgt! Zehn Jahre Bandgeschichte, bei mehreren Alben jeweils über 20.000 verkaufte Platten, eine globale Fan-Gemeinde, weltweite Konzerte…und das alles in Eigenregie! Nun hat das Quintett aus der Schweiz jedoch angekündigt, zum Ende des Jahres das Projekt vorerst auf Eis zu legen.

Ob es ein Comeback geben wird, lassen die Jungs aus Bern noch offen. Ein Abschied soll aber natürlich trotzdem gefeiert werden! Vier exklusive finale Shows stehen uns hierzulande noch bevor, auf denen sich die Schweizer von ADEPT und CLAWERFIELD unterstützen lassen. Ein Package also, welches es in sich hat!

09.11.2017 – Stuttgart, LKA Longhorn (Facebook-Event)
10.11.2017 – München, Backstage (Facebook-Event)
11.11.2017 – Köln, Gebäude 9 (Facebook-Event)
12.11.2017 – Hamburg, Knust (Facebook-Event)

Tickets bekommt ihr in Kürze bei uns! 

Lest hier das offizielle Statement der Band: 

Dear fans

Nobody can even imagine how incredibly thankful we are to be able to look back on such an amazing time we’ve had during the last 10 years as a band. Between 2007 and today we had the chance to meet so many amazing people in countless beautiful places. People who understand and apprecciate our work, who are thankful and obsessed with the sound of Breakdown of Sanity in the same way as we are. 10 years back, we’d never expected that this band would send us on such a memorable journey, the biggest adventure of our life. We’d never expected how far DIY can bring 5 simple dudes from Berne. Never.

But even the most beautiful chapters will come to an end one day: After 2017, BoS won’t play any more shows or release any new music for an indefinite period. After this year, our musical future is written in the stars. It is possible that one day, there could be another single / EP / experiment or project of any kind, by any constellation of band members, since we all are musicians in our hearts and will always be. We will keep playing our instruments, we are still best friends, we are still open minded and actually inspired by so many things. But it seems like for now we gave everything to the genre called „Metalcore“ in this constellation, and we don’t want our music to get repetitive or boring or such. So, as you can imagine, the decision was not an easy one, though. But maybe you know that feeling, when one day you inwardly know it’s time to move on. When you feel it’s just time to experience something different in your life. New circumstances, new goals, new decisions. And we all have reached this point now.


So if you want to see us perform one last time you better get your tickets right now and make sure you can join the final party – we are looking forward to meet you all again! We will play a small Germany tour in November and one final Swiss show in December.

Sorry for all the great countries we can’t visit on this goodbye-trip. We hope you can understand that our time is very limited.

We will keep every single moment we shared with this band and our fans in our hearts forever. THANK YOU so much for everything! For every buyed ticket, song, album, shirt or chat. You made Breakdown of Sanity what it is today. <3

Breakdown of Sanity

Carlo, Oly, Chris, César, Tom


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