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As I Lay Dying kündigen offiziell ihr neues Album „Shaped By Fire“ an

Die LP erscheint bereits am 20. September.

VON AM 09/08/2019

Erst heute präsentierten uns As I Lay Dying ihren neuen Song den Titeltrack ihres neuen Albums, nun folgt die hochoffizielle Ankündigung der bevorstehenden Platte.

Außerdem liefert die Band um Frontmann Tim Lambesis ein Musik-Video zum heute veröffentlichten Song nach, das ihr euch an dieser Stelle weiter unten anschauen könnt.

„Shaped By Fire“ erscheint demnach am 20. September. Die Band steht außerdem ab sofort beim Plattenlabel Nuclear Blast unter Vertrag, über welches die neue Platte auch veröffentlicht wird. Die Band kommentierte ihr neues Werk wie folgt:

„We are tremendously grateful to have found positive resolve from the worst moments of our history. The previous chapter of our journey was one of pervasive hurt and pain. Subsequent years found us on varied paths—all of which slowly led towards resolutions of growth, healing, and reconciliation.

#AsILayDying’s collective purpose is to share a message of hope for everyone through the empowering outlet of music, and we are humbled by the overwhelming support we have received from family, friends, and fans so far.⁠“

As I Lay Dying kündigen offiziell ihr neues Album an

Darüber hinaus präsentieren uns As I Lay Dying die Tracklist sowie das Artwork des neuen Albums. Zwar hat es beides bereits vor einer Weile ins Netz geschafft, nun gibt es aber die endgültige und offizielle Fassung. „Shaped By Fire“ kommt mit zwölf neuen Songs daher.

1. Burn To Emerge⁠
2. Blinded⁠
3. Shaped By Fire⁠
4. Undertow⁠
5. Torn Between⁠
6. Gatekeeper⁠
7. The Wreckage⁠
8. My Own Grave⁠
9. Take What’s Left⁠
10. Redefined⁠
11. Only After We’ve Fallen⁠
12. The Toll It Takes⁠

Der heute erschienene Track ist nach „Redefined“ und „My Own Grave“ die dritte Single-Auskopplung aus der bevorstehenden LP.


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Nuclear Blast is proud to welcome the worldwide signing of AS I LAY DYING. The band's seventh album, Shaped By Fire, will be released on September 20th.⁠ ⁠⠀ AS I LAY DYING comments, "We are tremendously grateful to have found positive resolve from the worst moments of our history. The previous chapter of our journey was one of pervasive hurt and pain. Subsequent years found us on varied paths—all of which slowly led towards resolutions of growth, healing, and reconciliation. #AsILayDying's collective purpose is to share a message of hope for everyone through the empowering outlet of music, and we are humbled by the overwhelming support we have received from family, friends, and fans so far.⁠ ⁠⠀ We are honored to join forces with #NuclearBlast Worldwide in releasing our new album #ShapedByFire. Their legacy and contribution to the heavy music scene is undeniably incredible and we are proud to call their label home. We are thankful for their support and enthusiasm and together we look forward to sharing the best AILD record yet! ⁠⠀ In conjunction with our new album announcement, we are excited to share a music video for the title track 'Shaped by Fire.' While lyrically akin to the other Shaped By Fire single releases 'My Own Grave' and 'Redefined', we explored some different musical territory to incorporate within our established sound. We’d like to thank our director Mathis Arnell, all of the crew, and actors that contributed to making this video with us under the very hot conditions!⁠"⁠ ⁠⠀ Shaped By Fire was produced by the band and was mixed by Joseph McQueen at Sparrow Sound in Los Angeles, CA while mastering was completed by Ted Jensen at Sterling Sound in Nashville, TN. The only exception was for the track “My Own Grave” which was produced by AS I LAY DYING, co-produced by Drew Fulk and mixed by Adam “Nolly” Getgood. The artwork was created by Corey Meyers.⁠ ⁠⠀ Order at nuclearblast.com. Link in bio 👆.⁠ ⁠⠀ Shaped By Fire Track Listing:⁠ 1. Burn To Emerge⁠ 2. Blinded⁠ 3. Shaped By Fire⁠ 4. Undertow⁠ 5. Torn Between⁠ 6. Gatekeeper⁠ 7. The Wreckage⁠ 8. My Own Grave⁠ 9. Take What's Left⁠ 10. Redefined⁠ 11. Only After We've Fallen⁠ 12. The Toll It Takes⁠ ⁠

Ein Beitrag geteilt von (@asilaydying) am



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