

DREAM ON, DREAMER werden weiteres Diebstahl-Opfer

Was ist denn aktuell nur los? Nachdem bereits WHILE SHE SLEEPS kürzlich in Europa ausgeraubt wurden, hat es nun die ...

VON AM 01/11/2016

Was ist denn aktuell nur los? Nachdem bereits WHILE SHE SLEEPS kürzlich in Europa ausgeraubt wurden, hat es nun die Jungs von DREAM ON, DREAMER getroffen – dieses Mal in Mailand. Folgende Nachricht hinterließ die Band auf einer eingerichteten GoFundMe-Seite, auf der ihr sie mit freiwilligen Spenden unterstützen könnt:

„Our van was broken into!

Yesterday, before playing our show in Milan we arrived back to our van to the horrible realization that we had been robbed. In a matter of minutes, thieves had made off with thousands of dollars worth of electronics and personal goods including passports, laptops, cash, clothing and items of sentimental value. I’m sure you can imagine our devastation having to let others down because of the actions of a few selfish people. Missing out on shows and being unable to cross borders for connecting flights home is the last thing that we would ever want to be facing, but unfortunately it is the position we are now in.
We hope that through your kindness we can recover some of the crippling losses we are facing and regain our footing to make it home.

Thank You“


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